GHANA ON AUTOPILOT: Where is the President?
Ghanaians witnessed how as Attorney General, Akufo-Addo botched the Yaa Naa's Murder Case and as President how he botched the first Aisha Huang trial and allowed her to walk away;
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President Akufo-Addo was last seen campaigning in the hope of Breaking the Eight, Mourning Queen Elizabeth…
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President Akufo-Addo has been silent on Galamsey except to say he is not sure if Aisha Huang fled from Ghana or was deported from Ghana as he had earlier announced to the world.
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President Akufo-Addo, the Chairman of the National Security Council and Commander-in-Chief of the Ghana Armed Forces has been in hiding;
He has been hiding from the serious issues confronting Ghana today, pretending to be working when indeed he is just campaigning…
President Akufo-Addo has been totally silent on the Auditor General’s Reports, Judges illegal Car Auction, SIM Re-Registration cum GhanaCard fiascos, the non-posting of Teacher Trainees, Nursing Trainees and newly trained Medical Doctors, the non-payment of NaBCo Victims, National Service Personnel, Accra City Cleaners…
President Akufo-Addo’s reluctance to sack Ken Ofori-Atta, Charles Adu Boahen and the Governor of the Bank of Ghana over the Economic mess, Collapse of the Ghana Cedi, Inflation and the Debt Crisis confirms his very low expectation of his non-performing appointees…
Instead of removing Dr. Bawumia as head of the Economic Management Team and holding a National Crisis Meeting to build consensus on how to rescue Ghana…
President Akufo-Addo is promising to build his Cathedral of Lies at all cost while desecrating the Kwame Nkrumah Mausoleum…
President Akufo-Addo must tell Ghanaians who designed, who authorized and who is paying for the construction work currently underway at the Kwame Nkrumah Mausoleum.
President Akufo-Addo is tempting Ghanaians, who are suffering from the excruciating hardships, brought on by his failed policies and misplaced priorities…
The NaBCo Victims’ indefinite picketing at the Jubilee House to demand their unpaid salaries prior to being laid off by President Akufo-Addo may trigger a number of events…
Unemployed Ghanaian Graduates, Teachers and Workers Unions may follow with mass actions as government is unable to meet its obligations and even pay COLA going forward…
The Media surrogates and CSO DumbDogs cannot continue with their diversionary antics…
Ghanaians are resolved to be Citizens and not Spectators.
We must avert a Sri Lanka or Haiti situation in Ghana.
President Akufo-Addo begged Ghanaians to give him a try, to serve Ghanaians, today he is doing as he pleases against the Ghanaian people, abusing the Public Purse that he promised to keep…
COVID-19 Funds, Corruption and the Plundering of the Public Purse must be publicly investigated by Parliament…
The Judiciary Reforms must start with the OccupyGhana calls for surcharging the judges and the Judicial Secretary after the Auditor General disallowed their illegal Auction of State Vehicles…
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…it must continue with the prosecution of Chief Justice Sophia Akuffo and others who were fraudulently allocated prime State Lands…
Confidence of Ghanaians in the Judicial system must be restored, but that will require the removal of the bad nuts and the creation of a squeaky clean Judiciary free from bribery, corruption and materialistic judges.
Goats and Yams, State Cars and State Lands must not be synonymous to a Ghanaian judge, if Justice is to be dispensed and be seen to be manifestly done by morally upright judges.
Equity will guarantee trust in the criminal justice system which will necessarily imply the prosecution of all regardless of proximity to power.
All Galamsey cases including top government and ruling party officials as well as the Military and members of the Delta Force must go to trial, not only Aisha Huang’s case;
Yaw Osafo Maafo and all officials involved in the truncated trial of Aisha Huang, her disappearance, her sneaking in and out of Ghana, her eventual return to continue with her illegal businesses, securing a GhanaCard and continued illegal stay in Ghana until her re-arrest must be indicted and investigated as part of her trial.
…Immigration officials, the Military, NIA officials and other accomplices must be brought into the trial in a transparent manner;
…no matter whose ox is gored…
This trial must be used to send a clear signal to other miscreants involved in the deadly Galamsey business that is threatening to destroy Ghana and kill Ghanaians that nobody will be spared.
Ghanaians witnessed how as Attorney General, Akufo-Addo botched the Yaa Naa’s Murder Case and as President how he botched the first Aisha Huang trial and allowed her to walk away;
Ghanaians will not sit down and allow President Akufo-Addo botch the current Aisha Huang trial after batching the fight against Galamsey.
AriseGhana Youth for your country.
God Save Our Homeland Ghana and help us survive the WASTED YEARS OF THE AKUFO-ADDO-BAWUMIA GOVERNMENT.
By Prince-Derek Adjei
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