It is Blasphemous to sell the Blood of Jesus – Apostle Agbalenyoh

“Therefore for anyone to proclaim that he/she is selling the Blood of Jesus is simply blasphemous, abominable, deceptive and flodulently dubious!" he emphasized.



Spiritual Leader and Founder of the Seventh Day Theocratic World Congregation, Apostle Dr. Nasik Kadmiel E. H Agbalenyoh, has stated that the sale of the Blood of Jesus by in recent times in Ghana by some pastors is blasphemous and abominable

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“Jesus died about 2000 years ago; where then do you get his blood to sell? This is just deceptive only to dupe people! When I hear of this, my heart bleeds,” The soft-spoken Apostle charged in an exclusive interview with this last Saturday.

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The erudite Apostle, who has been in the ministry of God for over 40years noted that Ghanaians rush into such things only for them to crash before they learn their lessons. Subsequently, he has charged Ghanaians to be wise as the serpent in these end times when people come and proclaim to be Christ, perform signs, wonders and miracles, as the Bible has said.

He emphasized that for anyone to say that he is selling the Blood of Jesus is simply pastorial deception just to dupe people. He wondered if this so called Blood of Jesus was not something else- Sobolo!

Apostle Agbalenyoh intimated that the Jews who called for the Blood of Jesus to be upon them and their children have known no peace ever since.

“Therefore for anyone to proclaim that he/she is selling the Blood of Jesus is simply blasphemous, abominable, deceptive and flodulently dubious!” he emphasized.

Connecting With the Blood.

The Apostle hinted that the best way to get connected with the blood of Jesus is to celebrate the feast Passover on yearly basis as contained in Exodus 13:10 by symbolically eating and drinking the Blood (Communion eating).

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According to him, the weekly taking of communion is wrong because it is man–made. He contended among others that practioners can defend it but that is not the truth. (Mathew 15:7-9)

“If the Celebration of the dead human being is done on yearly basis, why should that of Jesus be done on weekly basis?” he further queried.

The Blood Seals and Protects Paschal Family

Meanwhile, in a tutorial sermon on February 4, 2023, Apostle Agbalenyoh took pains to explain what he termed the “Paschal Family System.”

Dubbed, “Salvation of the Paschal Family”, with Romans 6:16 as his memonal verse, he intimated thet every family has its cultural background and practices, he maintained that it was therefore very important for one to know and acknowledge the kind of family that he belongs.

Apostle Agbalenyoh described the Paschal Family as “A member of the Family of Yahweh Quadish Abraham, Isaac, Jacob; such members, he noted, should commemorate and celebrate the Paschal ceremony and observe the feast of Passover.

The Apostle pointed out that without controversy, the Blood of Christ Jesus (The Lamb of God) seals and protects the Paschal Family of Yahweh the Almighty God, the King and creator. He stated that one could only be a member of the Paschal Family and be protected from Satan, the devil in these last days.

He said it is the Blood that takes away sins, therefore, despite ones baptized status, it comes to naught if the Blood is not upon him/her. Numbers 9:13, Exodus 12:13, 1 Sam 15:30, Mathew 26:27-28, Acts 2:37-39, Exodus 12:47-49

By S. O. Ankamah 


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