Juaboso: Prophet Gbedemah drops 40 new Prophecies for 2020
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…After Getting 13 Fulfilled for 2019
The leader, Founder and General Overseer (G.O) of Havilah City of Prayer international Ministry, Prophet Rev. Gershion Gbedemah (GG), is at it again! After having had all his thirteen prophecies for 2019 fulfilled, he has done it again by dropping 40 new sets for 2020.
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Amidst Singing and Dancing to thank God for 2019, Rev. Gershion gave these prophecies at the precepts of the church at Juaboso in the Western North Region on the 30th and 31st days of December last year, 2019.
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Known for his precise and unfailing prophecies GG.; apparently perceived in a spiritual mood gave these mind bugling prophecies to the amazement of the teaming congregation on these two days in question with the church not also only having been filled to capacity, but also over flowing with people. Rev. Gershion normally gives his prophecies on 30th December, ahead of others which are given on 31st December. However, due to the mind – bugling nature of this year’s prophecies the prophet had to continue with the prophecies on December 31st having started from 30th December, which ate deep into the wee hours of 31st December.
Mind Bugling, Mixed Prophecies
Mind-bugling and awesome in nature, these prophecies comprised both good and bad news bordering on both local and foreign dimensions, with his congregants listening to them (prophesized) with mixed feelings as they (congregants) greeted the prophecies with shouts of applause, cheers, surprise and dismays.
Apparently carried in spirit, prophet Gershion rolled out these prophecies in quick succession, without recourse to the feelings of his listeners indicating that he was acting on God’s instruction and directions, and not for his stomach or attention. Many were those who received instant healing and salvation from the devils bondage by a touch and anointing from the prophet through ministration.
Good News
With lit candles in the hand of congregants after midnight of December 31st 2019, Prophet Gershion ushered them into a happy prosperous and fulfilling 2020, indicating that their lives would be full of brightness and prosperity as their lit candles portrayed. Nevertheless, this was subject to prayers and hard work. Also 2020 he stated was full of success in travels, as most travel agencies would rake in much profit as their activates would increase tremendously with much development.
The black stars under the present chairman and management would perform better by winning international fame and travels. Same good story would be for Ghana sports in general
SINCE, “charity” the say “begins at home “ GG started from his back yard, Juaboso and its environs, stressing that God speaks through His Prophets to enable people know God’s Mind.
According to him, there would be a lot of premature death of the youth in Juaboso, especially those into “SAKAWA” or “OCULTISM”. Also, criminal activities amongst the youth in the Town would rise, giving way to a clash with the Police with devastating results. The Prophet also indicated seeing intensive fight in nearby Boinzan. However, peace would return to Bodi after the installation of a new Chief. The Prophet predicted a troubled Bodi township last year due to Chieftaincy dispute, and that has come to pass. Also he foresaw dark clouds over Juaboso township.
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Touching on the national front, Prophet Gershion Painted out bad news for the country. He indicated that there would be fire outbreak throughout the country, with Kejetia Kumasi in the fore front. The Prophet hinted of a big royal funeral in the country, the presence of BOKO HARAM (already in the country) activities, starting from the Church, thus hinging on terrorism in the country. Also, He foresaw the death of two legendary musicians in the country. Last year, he predict the death of a popular football star and that fell for Jnr. Agogo. On disaster (fire outbreaks) for 2020, Prophet Gershion predicted earthquake and death of students via collapsed school building which came to pass.
Prophet Gershion hinted that the president would embark on a massive cabinet reshuffle, leading to the sacking of many of his ministers. Also his very “Free SHS” policy could bring him down, since his own people would rise up against it, advocating that it should no longer be free. However, being a political promise turned policy, he would hang unto it thereby leading to massive agitation against him, which could lead to him resigning on his own, thereby setting history.
GG also predicted the possible resignation of the special Prosecutor, Martin Amidu, with its accompanying Crisis in the NPP. According to him, he foresaw the death of two prominent politicians in the country (names withheld for obvious reasons). One of them was an outstanding independent politician, whilst the other would go through assassination in the NPP.
Prophet Gershion stated that he foresaw the chair of the speaker of parliament overturned and replaced with a new speaker. This, he said portends bad omen for the Speakership of parliament.
2020 general Election and Military Alert
Obtainable on facebook as Gershion Gbedemah and tel. no. 0247613119, Prophet Gershion said he foresaw a possible clash between the NPP and NDC after the declaration of the December 2020 elections, and the need for military alert.
According to him he saw Ghanaians voting “skirt and Blouse” with the Minority wining majority seats in parliament.
International front
The international front did not hold good news either for 2020, according to Prophet Gershion. He fired his first salvo at the Presbyterian Church, which he said was on the verge of division as some members had decided to break away from the mother church as happened in the Global and EP church.
The Prophet had prophesied a major shake-up in the Catholic Church last year, which did come to pass. He also predicted a one-term presidency for Donald trump of the U.S. once more GG predicted his impeachment last year, which also came to pass.
According to Him, he foresaw Israel fighting an Arab nation with the support of the U.S.A, with the resultant elimination of half of that country. He also foresaw Tsunami in a number of countries, especially Islands and shore Countries. According to the Prophet, he foresaw dark clouds over the Buckingham palace with the Queen’s stool overturned and replaced. He also foresaw dark clouds over Oprah Windfrey, the legendary icon.
Prophet Gershion indicated that a good Prophet is the one whose Prophesies come to pass, because they (prophesies) are supposed to be the mind of God spoken through His Prophets. He pointed out that the rest of the prophecies would roll out as the year rolled on, in accordance with God’s directions.
Source: S.O Ankamah, Sefwi Juaboso
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