KAN DAPAAH: National Security is about the human security of Teachers of the SOWA DIN CLUSTER SCHOOLS – An Owula Mangortey observation
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I am a Citizen.
I rise to ask the Minister of National Security whether you have picked signals of the victimization of some Teachers in the Adentan Municipality.
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If you have not picked the signals, may be, it is because as your Security operatives say, you have crippled the National Security Coordinator, Joshua Kyeremeh, and have made it difficult for the Coordinator to effectively expend resources on field operations.
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Minister Kan Dapaah, your Intelligence Officers have uncovered a security faux pas in the manner Teachers of the Ashaley Botwe Sowa Din cluster of schools are being victimised by some over zealous, non- patriotric and reactionary officials of the Ghana Education Service (GES).
According to the reports, the people in the area are murmuring that Akufo-Addo constructed a 12-unit toilet/urinal block for the SOWAH DIN CLUSTER OF SCHOOLS near ASHALE BOTWE SCHOOL JUNCTION.
Unfortunately, Nana Addo did not make sure that water was connected to the facility.
Neither did Nana Akufo-Addo make arrangements for the provision of toiletries, cleaning materials and a caretaker for its daily cleanliness.
In order to keep the facility in shape and avoid pupils getting infections after using the washroom, the teachers requested the pupils to make token contributions towards the purchase of those consumables and for ensuring cleanliness.
Information available to your National Security operatives indicates that the people are angry that Nana Akufo-Addo has terminated the appointment of the teachers for requesting the pupils to contribute towards the maintenance of the facility.
You know that it is GES officials who have taken such a retrogressive action to dismiss the Teachers and transfer the Head Teacher. Yet, it is your Retired and Tired President Billy Akufo-Addo who is at the receiving end of the anger of the people of the area.
Your Security Operatives have in their possesion letters signed by one AARON ADARKWAH, Director of Education of Adentan Municipal in respect of this matter.
(see also, letter no. GES/ GAR/ADM/P.G/ 179/ of 25th November, 2019 for your information and necessary action).
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Minister Kan Dapaah, National Security is about protection of the Citizens from all forms of attacks. It is essentially about human security of Citizens like the Teachers who were thinking outside the box.
National Security is about good governance, whereby you see how the implementation of your government’s policies impact the Citizenry; and you aggregating any reports of any shortfalls/ shortcomings for immediate rectification by the various appointees of His Excellency President Akufo-Addo.
Have your Intelligence Officers brought to the attention of your National Security capos the security implications of the locally produced vegetables, fruits and smoked bush meat being consumed by Citizens and Spectators?
Does the Food and Drugs Authority work?
Have your Security Capos picked signals on the advice Embassies in Ghana are giving to their people to avoid locally produced vegetables, fruits, etc.?
Minister Kan Dapaah, there are many human security lapses in Ghanaian society which must gain your urgent attention.
Accordingly, I urge you to take a first step in 2020 to investigate and take corrective action in the regrettable matter of the dismissal of the conscientious and dedicated Teachers of the Sowa Din Cluster of Schools near Ashale Botwe Schhol Junction in the Adentan Municipality.
National Security is about the human security of these voiceless, harasssed and victimised TEACHERS.
KAN DAPAAH, do something before you go.
Owula Mangortey
1st January, 2020.
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