Editorial: Let Khuzaimah go in Peace or we cut him into pieces
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Let us sound a clear warning to those who are bent on defending Khuzaimah, the former personal aide to the National Chief Imam, and going to the extent of scheming to have him returned to that office. Let them put a stop to it immediately before some of us loose or patience.
Those shameless supporters of Khuzaimah should not push their luck too far and provoke some of us to start talking about that over pampered Short Man Devil who had over the years succeeded in hijacking that high national office for his personal and selfish gain until nemesis caught up with him.
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Perhaps we should start from how Khuzaimah used the office to deceive the US Ambassador during the official visit of the former President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, with respect to the availability and participating role of the National Chief Imam in that event.
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We also know how the Iranian Mission was exploited by Khuzaimah during the anniversary celebrations of the Iranian Revolution, using the office.
Or must we give details of how the Diplomatic Passport of the Chief Imam and that of the Dagomba Chief of Accra once ended up at the Embassy of the Cheque Republic and the circumstances surrounding the embarrassing incident?
In fact, there are issues that could trigger investigations and possible arrest and prosecutions by National Security and the CID if some of us who are privy to certain highly sensitive information begin to open our mouths.
Yes, no one including myself is an angel… I agree!
So let us all respect the decision by His Eminence the National Chief Imam acting through the Advisory Council to replace him with Dr. Marzuk.

Let Khuzaimah go in peace!
By Haruna Maiga
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