My Daily Political Diary of Political Activism Number Four: Opposition to Jean Mensa and Co. Not Strong Enough
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Folks, I am in a really angry mood because I don’t like the slow pace of public action against the machinations of the Electoral Commission regarding the compilation of a new voters register.
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The pace and tempo of public demonstration isn’t strong and effective enough to turn the table in favor of the opponents. It is appalling.
Why is it that despite all the public and open expression of disapprobation for what the EC intends to do, there is nothing to show that the opposition is winning the battle?
The EC spokespersons continue to make public utterances with arrogance that no amount of public demonstrations will prevent the EC from doing what it has planned to do.
So-called “eminent” persons assembled to advise the EC have already come across as bought and nothing but spent horses.
Traditional leaders of repute known for their insightful comments to shape national and local politics have shut their mouths because of “kakra a ye be di nti” and are silent even when danger looms.
The situation isn’t good for Ghana, especially when hirelings of this warped Akufo-Addo administration are abroad, making arguments that recommend them for the gallows instead of the polls.
Folks, it is obvious that the huge sum of money to be wasted on this exercise can serve better purposes. For weal or woe, how things are done to swing the3 balance in favor of a better Ghana agenda without the wasting of public funds on this bogus new vo9ters register will go a long way to shape the political climate before, during, and after Election 2020.
Clearly, the EC has no cogently convincing argument to warrant its being given so much to waste while ordinary Ghanaians die for lack of amenities that such money can provide.
Something really odd is motivating happenings in Ghana under Akufo-Addo. Disaster looms, folks!!
Source: Michael Jarvis Bokor
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