STATE LAND GRAB: Kpletso, Abossey Okai vs Afienya – a case for Agbogbloshie Land Grab
Deputy Lands Minister Benito Owusu-Bio is allegedly neck deep in many of Accra's Land cases along with a string of Goro-Boys...
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The State is actively GRABBING LAND…
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State Actors are busily LOOTING LAND…
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State Sponsored Landguards and Vigilantism abound…
Deputy Lands Minister Benito Owusu-Bio is allegedly neck deep in many of Accra’s Land cases along with a string of Goro-Boys…
similar to his colleague Deputy Lands Minister George Mireku Duker was alleged to be involved in the Galamsey business which recently resulted in a bloody gang war and reported by the media who have since gone inexplicably silent…
Clemence Gyato, a notorious Landguard recently named Benito Owusu-Bio on Citi TV as being behind his Anyok Holdings demolition of property and reclamation of encroached State Lands and being paid with a portion of such lands.
Clemence Gyato and Anyok Holdings have conducted similar VIGILANTE actions in the name of the Lands Ministry and Lands Commission at Adenta Civil Aviation Land where he parked Galamsey Excavators, he claimed were under instructions of the LANDS MINISTER…
Clemence Gyato was in action again at Legon near UPSA where gunshot were fired then an assault resulted in his arrests and mysterious release; the live Joy Super Morning Show coverage was truncated by Kojo Yankson with a promised National Security resolution of the matter and a report the next week;
“It’s been almost two (2) years of silence since then…”
Clemence Gyato claimed to have a contract with the Samuel Abu Jinapor-led Lands Ministry to act as Vigilante or Landguards.
The Lands Ministry and the Lands Commission must immediately CONFIRM or DENY the existence of the illegal agreement with Clemence Gyato and Anyok Holdings indicating when it was signed and by who.
“Clemence Gyato was disowned by the Office of the Chief Imam when he claimed he had appointed as Peace Ambassador by the Chief Imam.”
Benito Owusu-Bio chaired the Asoma-Cheremeh Committee on Kpletso for 2years before the 27th November 2020 declaration to release the Kpletso Lands illegally annexed by the Military to the La Stool ahead of the 2020 Election.
Benito Owusu-Bio again chaired the Abu Jinapor Committee on the same Kpletso Lands which has long exceeded its original 2months timeline and the June 2021 deadline the Lands Minister promised Parliament…
The proposed New Accra City Project which is expected to occupy lands currently occupied by the Police, DVLA, the 37 Trotro Station, Taxi Rank and the Military’s Base Ordinance Unit has become the pretext for stealing Kpletso Lands by the Military amid shooting live BULLETS and assaulting unarmed Journalists and Citizens of La…
When the BBC podcast indicated that the Akufo Addo is persecuting journalists and activists, it was an understatement.
The National Media Commission condones the abuse and Assault of unarmed Journalists and Citizens of La as it turned a blind eye to the Military brutality at Kpletso on 15th April, 2021 which gave birth to the Military brutality at EJURA, the lashing spree at WA by mutineering soldiers and the military impunity at SUAME which nearly resulted in a shootout with the Police.
The Military High Command condoned the brutality and cover-up…
The Ghana Police and CHRAJ are complicit in the blackout that the media itself has been motivated to carry out on the Kpletso Shooting and Assault of unarmed Journalists and Citizens of La.
Immediately after a 14th February, 2022 meeting in the office of the Lands Minister, which was convened at the instance of Minister to discuss Government’s imminent return of La Stool Lands, Benito Owusu-Bio called one of his Gorro-Boys, to debrief him so he can stay in business.
“It is lucrative business GRABBING LANDS to be shared amongst the possy…”
Laurence Sackitey, after being debriefed by Benito Owusu-Bio moved into action…
So-called Military Lands which have not been properly acquired are being walled in concrete, Burma Camp, Kpletso, Teshie among others…
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How much is it costing the taxpayer to wall these lands and who authorised th payments for the construction of these needless walls?
Fanciful Artist impressions adorned fenced parcels of Lands forcibly taken in the name of the State, the Arts Centre and soon Accra Psychiatric Hospital, Agbogbloshie, Afienya…
Agbogbloshie Land was taken without knowing what use to put the Land, per the submission of Youth and Sports Minister in response to an URGENT QUESTION ON THE FLOOR OF PARLIAMENT ON TUESDAY 7TH DECEMBER, 2021.
Then the Greater Accra Regional Minister allocated a portion to the President for his Agenda 111 Project and lately we are hearing of more new private sector led projects…
Government must be reminded that there are clear Constitutional guidelines for State acquisition of land; the Regional Minister has no role in that process.
The purported relocation of Abosey Okai Spareparts dealers to a 2000 0r 3000 acres land at Afienya which the Greater Accra Regional Minister expects the Lands Minister to allocate is purely illegal, unconstitutional and unacceptable.
WHY IS THE GOVERNMENT RELUCTANT TO USE THE CONSTITUTIONAL PROCESSES to acquire and return lands to the original Land Owners?
All State Acquired Lands are supposed to be documented…
The Executive Instrument used in acquiring the land from the Original Land Owners must state the LOCATION of the Land, the SIZE of the Land, the LEASE PERIOD and PURPOSE for which the Land is to be used for.
When the Purpose of the acquisition changes, the Original Land Owners as per Article 20 of the Constitution must have the first right of refusal to repossess..
Adequate Compensation is to be paid to complete the acquisition and per ACT 1036 the nonpayment of adequate compensation renders any proposed land acquisition void.
ACT 1036 requires Transparency and Accountability in ALL LAND TRANSACTIONS including those involving the State.
ACT 1036 imposes a fine and prison sentences on offenders including Landguards and their sponsors as well as Chiefs and Government Officials.
In the light of the fact that the Lands Minister, Samuel Abu Jinapor, has indicated that the “Lands Commission records are unreliable, potentially falsified, doctored, edited by corrupt Officials who carry files home to alter them.”
The Lands Minister, Samuel Abu Jinapor, further stressed that these nefarious activities at the Lands Commission results in multiple ownership documents of the same piece of Lands and “will say something has been achieved only after successfully digitisation of the Lands Commission records exercise must be diligently implemented.”
Samuel Abu Jinapor who shares the same [22nd April] birthday with my daughter, owes her and every other Ghanaian, GaDangme, Ga and La Citizen to ensure that there is sanity in the Land Administration system devoid of Goro-Boys, Influence Peddling Lawyers and Businessmen, Landguards and Vigilante groups especially those claiming to be acting in the name of the State, the Military or Minister.
Posterity will not forgive those who are stealing nor those aiding others to steal LANDS…
The Cantonments Civil Aviation Lands, Kpletso Lands, the Esi Gbedema Airport Hills Lands, CSIR, GRA, GBC and the fraudulent allocation of State Lands and Bungalows to private persons must be investigated by the Special Prosecutor.
Ghanaians will be Citizens, not Spectators and demand answers from the Lands Ministry;
Samuel Abu Jinapor, Benito Owusu-Bio and George Mireku Duker have questions to answer.
God Save Homeland Ghana.
By Prince Derek Adjei
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