5G Deployments and the Health of Humanity SpyDa Apr 3, 2020 A LETTER TO MY SENIOR BROTHER; THE MINISTER OF ENVIRONMENT, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Dear Big Brother, I am writing…
No Lazy Man can Fulfill God’s Will – Rev. Victor Chimere SpyDa Jan 29, 2020 Man and his existence is an evolving experience. As a man (common gender noun) your survival and relevance are…
HOPE AT LAST?: Kotoko Reaction Good for War on Violence SpyDa Jan 16, 2020 It may have taken a gunshot or two that left a man bloodied and battling for dear life, but Ghana’s domestic…
The Ghana Institution Of Geoscientists Opinion On Recent… SpyDa Nov 7, 2019 The Ghana Institution of Geoscientists (GhIG) is concerned about the recent occurrences of rockfalls, slope…