What future are we creating for Ghana?
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This lady has no home training. The media commission and other media monitoring organizations should know that insults put out by this lady regarding the former President were unacceptable. What future are we creating for Ghana? What type of parents will this great country have in 10 or 30 years from today?
Brown envelope is her motivation and always spotted at the end of every event she covers, waiting on politicians and big men in the system to give her brown envelope. Journalism is a noble profession. We don’t need these rats in the journalism kitchen. Being the fourth estate of the realm, it gets attention from both the government and the general public hence the call for circumspection.
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The media commission and her media house must look into this unfortunate matter and handle her the punishment she deserves. I am calling on all well meaning Ghanaians to boycott her programme. We shouldn’t allow mad heads like this create unnecessary tension in the country.
National Media Commission, Ghana MWM Media Monitoring Cell Ghana Journalists Association Private Journalists Association of Ghana
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