Christians, Muslims are Brothers; they must Live in Harmony – Apostle Agbalenyoh
- Commands Chief Imam
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Founder and Spiritual Leader of Seventh Day Congregation of Theocracy, Apostle Dr. Kadniel E.H. Agbalenyoh, has urged Christians and Muslims to endeavor to live in harmony and desist from fighting each other since they are brothers.
He pointed out that Ismael (believed to be the father of Islam and Isaac, believed to be the father of Christianity all have a common root i.e. Abraham.
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In this regard, they are all Jews hence the similarity in their worship, as they both, (Judaism and Islam) bow their foreheads down during worship.
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“When Abraham died, his sons, Isaac and Ismael buried him in the cave of Machpelah. Therefore, they are brothers! Why then, do they fight each other?” he asked rhetorically.
Apostle Agbalenyoh made this appeal during an evening radio broadcast on “Vision One FM”, Accra based radio station last Saturday november12, 2022.
The Apostle, who also exhibited profound knowledge in the Quran, quoted profusely from the Quran to support his claim. He maintained that the Quran eulogizes Jesus, the son of Mariam describing him as a great prophet. According to the Apostle, Muslims see Jesus as such and also regard him and other prophets of old as messengers of God.
He hinted that whereas Christians see Jesus as their greatest prophet, Muslims on the other hand see Mohammed (PBUH) not only as their greatest prophet, but that the last of all prophets and messengers of God.
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Apostle Agbalenyoh charge Christians in particular to desist from their hard stance on Islam and Muslims and rather see them as their brothers. This is because the Quran exalts Jesus their leader profusely. He also charged Christians to lay hands on the Qurans and learn it side by side with the bible as Muslims do learn the bible. This way, Christians will come to terms with their Muslims brothers so that the two major religions can live in harmony for the prevailing peace in the country to continue. “They are our brothers “don’t let us fight them.” Apostle Agbalenyoh charged Christians.
The erudite Apostle who is well versed in “The history of religion, World History,” Current Affairs and many more besides Medicine, his profession, pointed out that had Christians gone the Muslim way, sticking to a few churches, there would not have risen the numerous denominations in Churches to such extends that they fight each other, thereby bringing acrimony into Christendom.
The Apostle Agbalenyoh, who is also very tolerant of other peoples beliefs and religions, praised the chief Imam of Ghana, Dr. Sheik Osmanu Shaributu for his tolerance of other religions especially Christianity.
He pointed out that irrespective whatever Christian denomination that invites the Chief Imam, he is ever prepared to worship with them. Apostle Agbalenyoh pointed out that it is this high sense of Religious tolerance of the Chief Imam, that has promoted religious harmony in the country all this while; as a result of which Ghanaian Christians and Muslims have lived in peace all these years.
While commending him for this he prayed for further longevity and good health for the outstanding Ghanaian Chief Imam.
By S.O Ankamah
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