Jonah in the Ship; Ken Ofori-Atta is falsely Accused
Ken was seen to be on top of issues and dealt with them in effective manner rendering the Censure Motion 'bootless' and complete fiasco.
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From biblical point of allusion, Jonah was a Prophet of God who was sent by God to go to the great city of Nineveh and preach against it, because its wickedness had come up before him (God) (Jonah 1:2-17)
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By application of the Bible Text being referred to in the paragraph above, supposedly, Ken Ofori Atta, the Finance Minister has been christened as ‘Jonah’ responsible for all the economic woes suffered by the Ghanaian people.
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Carefully, having listened to the responses of Ken Ofori Atta to the five (5) charges by the minority for their Censure Motion, it is more than crystal clear that, the charges lack substance.
Originally, the charges were seven (7) in number but due to the smartness of Gabby Asare Otchere Darko (Esq), Ken’s counsel, the issue of conflict of interest was struck out from the charges, coming down to six (6)
Again, it was seen and heard by all when the representatives of GNPC and PIAC appeared before the Committee, they vehemently opposed to the issue of Ken clandestinely paying some monies into an offshore account.
This, further whittled down the number of charges to five (5). In fact, in answering to these charges, it was evidently clear that, he efficiently made holes into them.
Ken was seen to be on top of issues and dealt with them in effective manner rendering the Censure Motion ‘bootless’ and complete fiasco.
Referencing to the preamble of this piece, it can be attested by us all that, in the instance of Jonah’s case, in fact, he admitted that he was sole responsible for the stormy weather on the sea.
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Now, the billion dollar question raised here is this, in the case of Ken, has he made any admission of the fact that he is solely responsible for our current economic woes?
The general feeling of the Ghanaian people appears to point to the fact that Ken is blamable for all the economic quagmires in which Ghana finds itself.
Judging from an objective point of view, I, personally, do not see any cogent and strongly argued point that warrants Ken’s census or sack from the Finance Ministry.
Again, can the question be asked that, by the mere fact of jettisoning Ken from the Finance Ministry subdue the stormy economy?
Having been privy to all the allegations proffered against Ken and his responses thereafter, I can conclude the matter by saying that, materially, there are no strong basis to crucify him on that political cross.
Indispensably, as an objective minded-person like myself, I only see some elements of personal antagonism, entrapment, denigration, and political vindictiveness in this bogus Censure Motion.
Conclusively, I would like to conclude my piece by vehemently reiterating or re-echoing the point that, the whole censure is lame, fragile, frivolous, sham, and above all, a complete waste of everybody’s time in this country.
In fact, ideally, every change that as a people we yearn for should have some antidote to solve our present problem. Now, the question is, is the removal of Ken Ofori Atta as Finance Minister an antidote to the economic woes inflicted on us by the advent of Covid and Russia-Ukraine War?
By Reuben Justice Adusei
Citizen, Derma-Ahafo Region.
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